Friday, September 14, 2012


The day before school started was Labor day so we though...Hey why not take a family trip to the beach! It's only about an Hour and 15mins away so why not?! We had a lot of fun together as a family! A. WHOLE. DAY. TOGETHER! LOVED IT!!

We started our day off at the Tillamook cheese factory. Pretty cool, even though the production line wasn't working that day.

Beach Day of course included THE BEACH! It was a beautiful day! The older boys played with dad in the water. Yes, those little dots in front of the rocks are them! 

 As for Bennett and I, we just kind of hung out on the beach, took it easy and had fun playing in the sand. I could watch that little boy discover things all day! Like why does this stuff )sand) not stay in my hands? 

Growing so fast!!

I can't believe how much this little man of ours is growing!!! It feels like just yesterday he was born! I love playing with him and feel so blessed to be his mommy!! Some of his favorite things are being outside, playing with his brothers, laughing, watching daddy brush his teeth every morning, Music, reading books, dancing, crawling, making noises, copying his brothers screams and silly noises, standing, climbing the stairs (as of yesterday).
The thing that still cracks me up that he's been doing for so long is playing peek-a-boo!! He is HILARIOUS!! Every time I change his diaper he grabs the closest cloth he can gram and covers his face. He keeps it there for so long it seems like he starts to hyperventilate but holds it there longer and longer until...PEEK-A-BOO! And of course he's ALL SMILES!! He is such a happy baby and we love making him smile and laugh!! 
Loves going for walks outside in the stroller!
There is no such thing as standing too much!! Even if he does fall down several times a day :( poor guy
 He is such a cuddle bug!! He has the BEST hugs! Can't get enough!!
He LOVES being outdoors and exploring the ground and new things....tasting EVERYTHING is a MUST!!!
Brothers are SOO COOL!! They can't get enough of eachother! (btw they match! )
Climbing stairs!! Uh oh! It's AMAZING how quick he picks things up!!
Loves being a big boy in the big boy seat....and helping mommy with the list!

I love you little B! You make me so happy everyday! I can't get enough of that sweet chubby smile! 

Family Pictures!!

A little love'n!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Family reunion!

Jared was leaving on a mission and so Ammon planned an AWESOME family reunion to Midway, UT! We all had so much fun hanging out! We were loaded to to the brim for this long 12 hour drive!! It actually took us 15 hours to get there with several stops! The boys did awesome thanks to Brents Preparation! He had so many fun things to do along the way and the best thing was a paper car strung from one side of the car to the other to show how far we had to go. The boys didn't have to ask how close we were every five minutes!

We had fun on the Lake for a day!

We got to ride down the mountain at Park City
Cousin Love'n
Bennett LOVES water!!
Bottle Rockets!

What a STUD!
Lynettes Baby Shower!
The guys gave us a show on the tube!! They were doing all sorts of COOL tricks....we're just happy they survived!!!

Mason and Mommy rocked the tube!

3 moms, 3 sleeping babies on a boat! SO SWEET!
Mike and Michelle got ENGAGED!!!!!!! 
HAHA! Oh Mason! That is what we usually see when swimming about!

We threw Lynette and Jeff a baby shower! Camille did AWESOME decor and everyone made the delicious food! Joyze and I came up with some pretty fun games and we just had a BLAST!
I'm always surprised that one of my FAVORITE parts of our family reunions is the talent show! We are never prepared enough but have a BLAST!!! MamaZelle did the tutita with everyone! Mason got up on stage and did it with her! TOO FUN!

Can't wait for the next time to get together! LOVE YOU FAM!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Highland games!!

What do you do on the weekends? Us? We party every chance we can!! We are both from Scottish heritage so of course we HAVE to go to the Highland games! Brent didn't get his kilt in the mail in time but we had a blast anyways! Great food, Games, Drums, dancing...what else could we ask for?!?! We had a great time!!
 Listening to a story about our heritage and playing with our new Knight and horse she gave us
 B conversing with a fellow clan member!

One on One time!

So we have really tried spending some one on one time with each child each month and we love it. Brent and I take turns or take a child out together every month. Especially since it seems like most of my time is spent taking care of Bennett or catching up on house stuff while he's sleeping I felt this was so important! We have had some really fun time too! I took Porter out first. We went to a cupcake shop and then hung out at the toy store! I love this guy! He is so thoughtful, helpful and wants so much to be good!

Next I took Mason out for a date. We picked up lunch and Mc Donalds and then had a picnic together. We talked, looked at lilly pads and raced leaves down the river! We had a fun time Just me and Mason! I remembered to get some pictures this time! Love you Bud! He really loves making people laugh and his "heart is so full of love"! He loves collecting little things, others might call trash. A happy meal was perfect with a little toy inside

As for Bennett...We're on a date all day long EVERYDAY!! He is such a happy baby and we all LOVE to make him laugh! He absolutely loves is big brothers and they love him!! He is growing so fast and I can't get enough of this sweetie!!

Brent has taken the boys out to lunch and up to where he works and had fun as well. I just wasn't there so no pics or details. But he is such a good daddy and every one of these boys ADORE him!!

White Water Rafting!!!

We had the extremely exhilarating opportunity, through Brent's work, to go White water rafting!!! I was a little nervous. To me this was up there with skydiving and although I've done that I'm not sure I would not be so willing to do it again now that I am a mom. Call me boring, responsible...I just don't want my kids to be left without parents. ANYWAY! We had a BLAST!! We went with a group of 6rafts full of people in a caravan down the river! Each raft had a guide that does this a few times everyday so I felt pretty good about it!! Brent and I chose to be in the front, which I totally recommend! We got to see every turn, rock and drop coming up and we definitely got the brunt of everything. We got SOAKED and were jostled around all over! SO FUN THOUGH!! About half way down we got out of the raft and could either jump off a cliff into the river OR climb down. We both opted to jump! LOVED it! Then a way further down we went off a 3-4 foot waterfall and thought that was crazy! Then at the end had the option of going off a 13 foot waterfall!!! We went ahead and did that too!! Practiced a lot for that! So glad I did it! It was AWESOME!!  We got some great pictures of our adventure!

Here they are in chronological order going down the HUGE waterfall! 
Row, row, row that raft!!
Going off the edge! HOLD ON TIGHT!!

 Keep hold !!
 Completely submerged as they warned us we would be!!!

 Oh good...we popped back up on top, not upside down!
 WHAT A RUSH!!! LET'S DO IT AGAIN!!.....ok maybe wait a bit... lol!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Joyze comes for a visit!!!!

It's AMAZING the fun things you can get around to doing when there is an extra pair of hands....I mean when FUN Aunt Joyze comes to visit!! We had SO MUCH FUN with Joyze when she came to visit! Lots of things I've been meaning to do we got to go do finally! We loved having her here.....despite what Bennett thought! LOL!!

Arial Tram ride: This was a fun cheap way to see the city. It's actually just a ride to a Hospital at the top of a mountain but it is a beautiful few minute ride and what a view!! 
 WOW! Look at that!

 The view up top...kind of freaky looking down!
 So Brent was just finishing up the closet when Joyze got here so it was my turn to paint. Sorry Joyze! We are great Hosts aren't we? We spent half a day painting and Joyze and I got a little high and then later sick :( But the closet is done and in use!! LOVE IT! AND THANKS JOYZE!!
 Sand in the CITY!! It was cool going downtown to see all the sand creations. The competitors had 6 hours to build these and then judges chose a winner. 

 there were activities and experiments for the kids!

 Seaside! Monday we all took off to SeaSide!  We got to play in the sand, the water, go shopping, get icecream, play video games, drive bumper cars and go out to eat! What a fun day!
 Joyze and I got to announce to Lynette and Jeff what Gender they are having. We put a bunch of balloons in a cardboard box and they opened it on the beach! A BOY...hence the blue balloon.
 I love how much Bennett loves the water!! The beach is no different!

 Had a picnic....
 then went swimming!
 HAD to have a girls night out!! Olive garden and shopping!! LOVE IT!!