Thursday, August 13, 2009

Not for the Weak

Brent has sworn off ever going camping with little ones, like every time we go, so naturally I'm excited when we do get to go. We go every year with the Olsens and time had come again to pack up and head out. So far so good. The trip up was good since we had brought out portable dvd player to entertain the kids and it was a beautiful drive.We got there about noon ate lunch and the kids were loving running around. We usually set up camp right away but were just taking it easy and having fun talking to the fam. A little after 2 we decided we better set up our tent and get things going esp since we were doing dinner that night for everyone. We had just picked out a spot when we heard a scream from Mason. We both ran over and found him getting out of the fire pit (that had been out since that morning). We grabbed him and started cleaning him off but couldn't figure out why he was crying so much. Then we saw that his little hand was white. I went over to see what first aid supplies everyone else had brought and it was turning into a big blister. Mom and Kristen were great helping apply medication and oils to it. Two of our brother in laws are EMTs so were in good hands. Dustin wrapped it and Brent gave him a blessing. We decided our camping trip would be cut short and left to find the the payson ER. Luckily Launi had some Tylenol and we gave him plenty so he only screamed most of the way there, then fell asleep (an hour of screaming and tylenol will do that to you I guess) He burned it at 2:15 and the doctor saw him about 6:30 gave us some supplies to wrap it for a few days and off we went. Poor Mason... He was so tough!! Didn't even really cry at the ER, I felt like I needed to tell everyone "I promise he IS hurt and needs medical attention right away..."

First picture we took of his hand at the ER, big blisters

Here he is in the hospital bed waiting for his turn. Ya that lasted a whole minute before he wanted to get out and run around

Right when he woke up the next morning we took the bandage off, he walked away and fell right on his hand, popping the blisters. This is the big flap of skin he got to hang onto for a couple days
AFter taking him to one doctor who just said "ya that really needs to be looked at" (thought that's what she was doing??) I decided to take him to the Arizona Burn Center (which happens to be best in the nation) They got us right in, gave him some Tylenol with Codeine, washed it good, popped blisters and cut off skin. Wrapped it and gave me a TON of supplies to do it at home twice a day. This is how it looked that night.
We went back to the burn center for a check up and they said it looks good. No more bandages! All I have to do is remember to put lotion and sunscrean on it 3-4 times a day for the next year!
This picture was taken today, almost 2 weeks later....doesn't it look GREAT! Our bodies are AMAZING!! Thank goodness!



Is it just me, or does it get hotter every summer?? Well between kids constantly pulling my hair out (mostly on accident because it was so long) and the heat, I finally CHOPPED it OFF! Ironically I was really enjoying my long hair and doing all sorts of fun hair styles and different things to it but I have loved it short too! It's amazing how much it cools off when you don't have that extra foot and half of hair! The best part is that Brent LOVES IT!! Anyway, most of you have seen the wicked picture of it short or seen me in person so this isn't any new news. What do you think?