Wednesday, May 27, 2009

YOU DID IT HON! You Graduated!!

We are all so proud of our graduate! Juggling, at times a full time job, 2 children a wife who wants all his time, recovering from a major accident, landscaping our home and full time school with a super hard major this is quite the accomplishment. Very very stressful at times he was able to stay focused and get er done! We had a fun time putting together a Final Exam for all those who went to his graduation party so we could see if anyone else knew what he has gone through. See if you know the answers, the answers are red. It's called BAO (you know Brent Antone Olsen) 101 Final Exam. Cute huh?!

BAO 101 Final Exam
  1. How many years has Brent been in college?
    1. 7 years
    2. 9 years
    3. 4 ≤ x ≤ 6

  1. In Brent’s opinion what was his hardest class?
    1. Random Signal Analysis (EEE350)
    2. Properties of Electronic Material Quantum Mechanics (EEE352)
    3. Microprocessor Assembly Language Programming (EEE230)
    4. Electromagnetics (EEE241)
    5. Advanced math for engineers and scientists (MAT362)

  1. In Brents opinion what was his most fun class?
    1. Management and Strategy for non majors (MGT380)
    2. Energy systems and Power Electronics (EEE360)
    3. English (ENG101)
    4. Legal Ethical and Regulatory Issues in Business (LES305)
    5. Solar Energy (591)

  1. What is Brent graduating in? (Major / Emphasis / Minor)?
    1. Electrical Engineering / Solid State Micro Electronics / Spanish
    2. Liberal Arts / McDonalds / German
    3. Mechanical Engineering / Power / Happiness
    4. Electrical Engineering / Power / Spanish
    5. Spanish / Power / Electrical Engineering

  1. How many cell phones has Brent gone through while in college? (He got his first cell phone in college)
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 4
    4. 6

  1. What kind of calculator does Brent use and is his favorite?
    1. TI 83
    2. Casio X12
    3. Radio Shack 12-522
    4. TI 89

  1. What was the date the accident immediately before finals that caused Brent to postpone his classes with incompletes and finish them a year later?
    1. April 10th 2007
    2. May 10th 2008
    3. April 19th 2008
    4. May 10th 2007
    5. December 19th 2008

  1. What job offer did Brent Accept and what will he be doing?
    1. SRP – Rotational Engineer
    2. PG&E – Nuclear Engineer at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant
    3. APS – Designing and overseeing power plant repairs and upgrades
    4. SDGE – Rotational Engineer Management Program
    5. Taco Bell – Head lettuce applicator, oversee installation of all lettuce

  1. How many cars has Brent owned since freshman year?
    1. 1
    2. 4
    3. 5 – Chevy Cavelier, Ford Taurus, Toyota Tacoma, Saturn SL2, Fort Focus
    4. 7

  1. How many classes has Brent taken not including repeats?
    1. 32
    2. 41
    3. 53
    4. 62

Extra Credit Essay: Name 4 major projects has Brent completed in the last 2 years while going to school full time?

Can you find him in the crowd of engineer grads?

Brent's always told me he wants bagpipes at his funeral and here they are at his graduation, I guess he gets them at more than one milestone :)

Porter got to stay up late so he could see his daddy graduate. Honestly it was a pretty boring experience for him, as we guessed, but an important thing for him to be at. We hopes this helps him realize the importance of a good education. He's been talking about it a lot lately so I think he got the idea. :)

Proud mom and brother


Delight said...

Congratulations Brent! I am so happy for all of you! Way to stick with it!

Steph said...

YEAH that he graduated!!! CONGRATS.

Alicia Phelps said...
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Alicia Phelps said...

Congratulations Brent! You have been working toward this goal for so long and went through so much to get here! We are so proud of you!