Monday, April 4, 2011

April Fools Day

Upside down table and chairs, backwards clothes and loving his "cupcake"

Mason LOVED his "cupcake"!

About half way through the day Camille reminded me that it was April Fools Day. She had some really cute ideas for dinner so of course I stole them! ;) Hehehe! I was pretty sneaky so the boys wouldn't see before it was done. Which isn't as easy as it sounds. Usually they are in the kitchen helping me make every meal. I explained what fun this day was to the kids and we totally got into it. The boys were cleaning up backwards, had a great time picking pillows up backwards and carefully and silly putting them on the couch backwards! It was just too funny! I told them they could play a joke on daddy and Porter ate this up!! He practiced what to say and had a hard time remembering what to say at the end, instead of "just kidding" to say "April Fools!" Right when Daddy walked in the door Porter ran over and told him "Daddy I pooped my pants" Brent looked at him disappointed and Ported yelled "APRIL FOOLS!!"! Brent laughed and laughed! So of course Mason told the same joke and they told it over and over. We turned the house upside down, quite literally. The boys started to really getting into it and getting carried away! HA! I talked them into just turning a few things upside down. The table and chairs were some of them. Then time for dinner.
For the main course we had;
-chocolate cupcakes with blue frosting (meatloaf with blue mashed potatoes on top),
-Ice cream (mashed potatoes) and
-Carmel syrup (Gravy disguised in the caramel syrup bottle).
Then for dessert we had;
Fish sticks (strips on brownies covered in peanut butter and crushed corn flakes) and
Carrots and corn (star bursts shaped into vegetables) YUM YUM!!

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