Thursday, April 14, 2011

San Diego Part 2

They have some really fun play areas we made sure to take advantage of yesterday as well. With boys I've learned its really important to keep busy and get as much energy out everyday for a good nights sleep. So much energy is filled in these little bodies, it's amazing!!

My phone is really dying so the picture quality is horrible but still taking them just the same. So we're still having fun in Cali! I know...CRAZY! The apartment complex has some really fun stuff we've used lately. The other day we used their fun Theater. We rented the movie Tangled and had the theater all to ourselves, just the 7 of us. What a fun way to break up the day! Today we got to go to the kiddie pool! I was 1 1/2 feet deep at the deepest part so the kids just went at it while we relaxed...well kindof. Conner has to be followed around still, so I got to relax.
The other thing I've really enjoyed is my flowers from the boys. They always pick flowers for me but I think there are so many more flowers and in so many different beautiful colors that I've been getting flowers about 5 times a day. Sweet Sweet little boys. They are being really good gentleman too and holding the doors for us wherever we go. I think they are turning out to be quite the boys :)

1 comment:

scott family said...

Sooo cute, I want flowers!