Friday, June 29, 2012

Fun In Portland

We all went to the parade downtown and had fun! Yes it was June and Yes we are all wearing jackets! Talk about different than AZ! We had fun together (this happened to be the day after my kidney stone removal surgery, but I couldn't be a party pooper. I over did it but it was worth it) 
 Dad was keeping Bennett nice and warm!                    

  We got to ride the train! So cool (Yes an older lady is watching us, happens all the time here! Takes me 3times as long to go to the grocery store, not because of my kids but because I HAVE kids. Everyone wants to tell me how cute they are! LOL!)

Thanks to Jeff and Lynette we can go swimming in a indoor pool whenever we want!! It's becoming our Saturday tradition lately to have homemade pizza and go swimming. Even Bennett LOVED it!!


Justin and Camille said...

Homemade pizza and pool...yes please!

US said...

I love Porter's face in the picture on the train where the old lady is staring at you. Haha. Looks like you guys are having so much fun!