Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Our Cruise Part 1- At Sea

We are HOOKED! So much to do, see and eat on the boat alone!! The best part was that it was just Brent and I ( and 3,000 other people) together for 5 whole days!! LOVED IT! (these are all pics from my phone from the last few days, I'm still working on settings)

Our humble abode, and our first towel buddy, Eleph-I-Know
The beautiful staircase that looks all the way to the top and has glass elevators along it
Covered with paper at the second show. It was seriously a good broadway show!
On one of our ship tours we made sure to stop by the haunted room R24, another guest told us someone was murdered there last month.
Towel buddy #2- monkey with my glasses onUs with the Magician that goes around the dining room. We were buds! He gave Brent dental floss and me a card with my signature on it! Pretty cool!
There were 2 hypnotist shows, and Brent, being the skeptic that he is, volunteered to make a fool of himself. Fortunately, it didn't work on him and he was sent back to his seat.

The golf coarse and ping pong paddles, ya we did both, on the ship!

Out on deck, saying goodbye to Mexico, with lemonade and Hot chocolate in hand


Brianne said...

I went on that same cruise once very long ago but our boat wasn't as big and fancy looking. It looks like you had a lot of fun and good for you and Brent for "getting away". Sean and I really need to do that too.

Michelle said...

I am so jealous! That looks like so much fun! I am glad you had a great time. I am glad you guys decided to just go and that you and a great time.

Unknown said...

I just found your blog on here and was so excited to see you and your cute family!! My blog is private but email me your blogger address so I can add you :) sommerh9@hotmail.com

Ammica said...

Kathryn, I am SOOO jealous! Ammon and I still haven't been on a cruise, and I'm dying for one. Sigh...someday.
Looks like you kids had tons of fun!!

Ammica said...

LOVE your family picture at the top of your blog, by the way!!!