Thursday, May 12, 2011

Garden progression

Can you tell what our baby is right now? We may be a little obsessed/excited. We love having a garden!! To watch these little seeds grow into the huge plants that produce edible, delicious vegetables is such a treat!
It all started with some dirt
(and manure and compost and hard work and fertilizer and twine and tomatoe cages.....)
Next we saw some little tiny plants poking through the dirt.
The squash grew especially fast, look right in front of Mason.
I got a picture before we left on our trip to CA. Isn't it beautiful!!!

Here is 2 weeks later once we got home!
Brent made a compost for our garden yesterday, now we just need to get some more worms
I took this this morning. We've been eating carrots, squash, spinach, lettuce and sugar snap peas.
Soon we'll also enjoy green onions, tomatoes, cucumbers and, hopefully bell peppers!
Every night Brent has a HUGE bowl of ceasar salad with/for dinner! YUM!

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