Monday, May 16, 2011

It doesn't take much...

Today was good, we had such a good day! It doesn't take much to feel like we had a good productive day. On the agenda today
1. Preschool feild trip to Fry's Grocery Store
2. Stopped by New Pediatric Dentist and made appts for both the boys
3. Pick up Porters Medicine...finally
4. Started boys on chores and worked with them for hours
5. Taught Mason how to PROPERLY put the books on the shelf....he was awesome and learned so quick.
6. Did schoolwork with both boys (Porter did additions and subtraction, Mason traced letters and designs
7. Worked out
Oh and did all the other daily things like fixing meals, cleaning house, answering millions of questions, keeping up all those things I need to do. Oh and blogged....

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