Monday, September 22, 2008

When you live out in the Desert...

When you live out in the desert you just might find a frog eating a snake...oh wait that's our rubber snake! Yup it's true. I went outside to take out the trash and found this. These big frogs are always a surprise, they look like statues and then will suddenly jump. But to find it eating a snake was crazy. THEN I realized it was Porter's rubber snake (left out there by Brent to scare people)! I was really worried and Brent was too tired to get out of bed to save it. Don't worry though, I saved it...but not before I took a picture. I scared it enough so it would jump away and there was a lot of snake in there. YUCK.

Out here we've also acquired a few pet tarantulas. I caught one on our porch and then Brent caught a bigger one a little while later by our house. We have plenty of crickets for them to eat out here. In fact, Porter is getting really good at catching them and putting them in the tarantula cage. "I got it, I got it!" as Porter will often say, and "for spider?!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yuck, what fun adventures you will have with all your critters.