Sunday, October 26, 2008

Puppet Show & Carnival

The weekend of the 18th Brent was away on a scout trip so the boys and I drove up to the Valley to stay with my family so we could go to the carnival with them. They are in the ward of the couple who was in the plane crash (Nie Nie) so many of the ward members plus a ton of other people put on a carnival to raise money for the family. It was really neat to see the support this family had. So many people were donating time, talents and money. My family performed 4 free shows for the carnival. I was so excited to have Porter and Mason watch and perform with everyone. I only did one number and Michelle said a reporter was putting a picture of that one in the newspaper. The boys loved watching and I think they had fun performing the one or two numbers they did, even though it doesn't look like it from this picture. Haha.

Yeah... go Porter!! I'm lovin the face lol.

Here we are, watching the show

No they are not in a parade, Mason is just very friendly. :)

There's that cute face just watching away.


The Roberts Family said...

your boys look just like your little brothers did at that age!! so cute!

Brianne said...

I am a follower of NieNie. I read her sisters blog everyday just to see what is going on. I've been following it for about 3 months. I am addicted to the story and I think about her and her family daily and I dont even know them.

Kathryn Olsen said...

Ya they really do!! Porter looks just like Slade I think.