Monday, March 7, 2011

5 boys under 5

The beginning of Febuary we had the Stevens boys over for a few days. Camille and Justin move to San Diego in March so they had to go find somewhere to live. We had a party!! We made valentines, the boys were all so creative in their own way! I LOVED IT!! Wish I took pictures! We all went to the science center! Brent was able to meet us during his lunch break for about an hour and I had all 5 of them the other 4 hours alone. What a feat! :) They were actually so well behaved! As you can see in the picture they all sat down good for lunch, and I could just feel the eye's on us. 5boys under the age of 5 with one mom. Of course when you have that many one is bound to have to go to the bathroom in the middle of lunch. We had to pack everything up, go potty, come back unload lunch again and finish eating. We went to a presentation there and I had people coming up to me after telling me how smart and well behaved my kids were. I can't take all the credit, obviously, 3 of them have great parents who taught them how to behave. Anyway we had fun! We also got to go to our city parade where they got more candy than they did on halloween! Next year I think I'll make a sign that says "NO Candy Please!" haha. We were at the end of the parade and those boys just looked too cute!


US said...

You are very brave, it is sooo hard taking that many kids anywhere. And making them listen. Very impressive. Everytime I take the kids I babysit anywhere, Dustin comes too. One bad trip to the library was all I could bare.

The Scotts said...

Wow I am impressed! I can barely take Jalynn anywhere because she crazy!`