Monday, March 21, 2011

FHE Tonight

What a beautiful day it was today. It is rarely cloudy here so when it is we LOVE IT! After daddy got home and we ate some warm stew (my favorite) we decided to start our Family Home evening night with a family Bike ride! We all rode our bikes, daddy on his roller blades, around the block a few times. Even saw A family in our ward doing the same things and ended up hanging out with them for a bit. I was freezing but boy did it feel SO GOOD!

THe best part of tonight was when we got home Porter said " I thought we were going to have a lesson too so we could learn about Jesus." Then he offered to teach the lesson, he said "I need a battery, some paper and glue." I helped him gather the tools he needed to teach and we all sat down for Family Home Evening. Porter was so anxious we had to remind him the song and prayer came first. He's been enjoying conducting lately too. So he started by opening up the Ensign and showing a girl getting a blessing, then showed us a battery and told us how this is has power in it. He then started to cut up paper and have us guess what shapes he was cutting out. After cutting several of those out he told us how Jesus created everything and how he was pretending to be Jesus by creating it all. Then took the glue and started gluing pieces of paper onto another paper, we then got to guess what he was making, which ended up being a road, a bridge, a long road and kept saying " I'll give you a hint" so we could better guess what he was making. When he put the circle paper on there he had us look around the room pointing out things that were also round.

So we had a great time laughing, learning and guessing. It was so neat to see our oldest child taking charge and teaching US about Jesus, or his take on how things usually go. It was really a combination of everything we teach him, he brought it all together. I should also mention that I have NEVER seen Mason so captivated by a lesson before. He sat there LOVING Porter's lesson. What fun!


Joyzelle said...

What a wonderful lesson. Great job Porter - keep teaching your parents all those things they need to know.

scott family said...

Wow you are doing something right with that boy! I can't believe how old and smart he is getting!