Monday, March 21, 2011

Fun wherever we are

I can't always get my phone to work or stay on these days, nor can I expect my boys to stand still when theres a ton of toys to play on! There are certain places I go to shop just because there is a place for my kids to play and have fun. Fiesta Mall is one of them. It's not the closest mall to us but definately a preference. These boys have so much energy and I love to let them get it out!
I also have a MASON MOMENT: For some reason had been saying "Bad Mommy" everytime I do something he doesn't like or not allow him to do whatever he wants. We decided to try to have punishments that fit the crime. I told him I'de wash his mouth out with soap if he said it. I followed through and only had to do it 2 times. He now does not say it EVER and when he is about to he quickly says "Good mommy, Good mommy" even if it's something he really doesn't like. What a difference :)


Joyzelle said...

Cute story about Mason and the quick change around from Bad Mommy.

You ought to tell me when you come into Fiesta Mall. Maybe I could meet up with you sometime.

The Scotts said...

I'd be afraid my child would like it!