Monday, March 7, 2011

A New Year

I love a new year! It makes me feel like I can start over. Its also the day before my birthday, what a better way to start the year than being one year wiser and getting spoiled? Brent Spoiled me Saturday with a new shirt, a Mp3 player, a necklace and other gifts and a of course my favorite Olive garden and Shopping. What a great guy! Sunday was actually our (Camille's and mine) birthday so we invited the Stevens over for dinner and had a fun night haning out. I made my favorite pop cake and we exchanged presents! I love sharing my birthday day with her! She is my best friend and such an example to me. I just hope sharing our birthday somehow makes me more like her. ;)

Since I don't have any pictures of the fun weekend I thought I'de share something else about me with you. Kindof embarrassing so DON'T laugh! So sunday's I'm always trying to mix and match new things and trying to be more creative with what I already have. I often forget that I really DO have plenty of clothes and should try to use what I have already. SOOO..I started having Brent or Porter take pictures of my ouitfit so I can remember and eventually choose from the pictures what I want to wear that day.

FIrst here's my attempt at being Sydney on one of my favorite blogs called "The Daybook". This is taken with my phone and by my 4 year old though so keep that in mind ;)

And here's a few of my sunday outfits (the only ones I had access to right now) Silly, lame, whatever. We'll try it.


US said...

So the purple looking dress with the gray sweather.....adorable. Seriously love it. I wish I could dress cuter, it's just too hard to bother. But I guess that's why you always look super cute, and I'm always in a tee shirt and jeans.

The Scotts said...

The dress for your sisters wedding looks the sweater! That is such a good idea! I have the same problem-I always wear the same thing because I forget about all the other clothes I have, Ill have to do something like that!