Monday, March 7, 2011


We have panted our garden!! We went to Lowes a couple weeks ago for Family Home Evening and got everything we needed and wanted for our garden! Brent made a BEAUTIFUL area for it! Our whole back yard is beautiful because of him! It was just dirt when we moved in but of course it is a beautiful, fun place to enjoy now. He designed it to have a good size garden and everything! Isn't he amazing!?! SO... We have been using the garden area as our compost for a while and it was finally ready (or we hope it is) to plant some delicious things! I'm SO EXCITED to watch it grow!! After we saw how helpful the boys were we got them their own set of gloves to help whenever we need it. Its so nice to have something like this to do as family. I remember growing up and having a garden and eating carrots right out of it. I hope this gives our boys some good memories and healthy bodies!

Here's what happened in our pre-garden/compost. Apparently we threw a honey dew seed into the compost and it overtook the whole thing. Didn't even water it. So we're hoping we have just as much luck when we actually plant and water the seeds! Wish us luck!

So far so good! It's SO exciting when the little green leafs start to peak through the dirt. Porter, especially, is always so excited every morning to go out and see how our little garden is going.

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