Monday, March 21, 2011

My Porter

This little man is already so much! He's a good student, a loving brother, a hard worker, a fun friend, an obedient son, an allergic person, an interesting teacher and so on. Everyday we love this boy more and more! I am in Awe at how much he learns everyday. I am in awe at how much he teaches me everyday. He is loving, patient and kind. Here are some things he's been doing lately...

On the 8th of Feb I taught the boys in preschool the other day and I wanted to see where all the boys were at with ALL their ABC's. Porter whipped these letters out in no time! It was awesome! The next thing we did was working on rhyming and I was really impressed and surprised how quick they picked this up. These boys figured out all these on their own and what letter it took to make the neat to see them grow. Of course Porter was SOO AMAZING! WOW!

One thing we've had to look out for Porter more and more is what he's allergic to. Daddy's allergic to some things and we're finding that Porter is taking after him. He is so responsible when we tell him things he's allergic to that he needs to stay away from. We were at my aunts house one day and they had the cutest little kittens. We left her house and Porter was sneezing the whole way home and had very puffy eye's as well. Ever since then he is really good about staying away from cats, even though they are so cute. He'll even play in the sand at the park instead of the dead grass at the park. We caught him telling his cousin one time, who wanted to play in the grass "You know I can't go play over there, I'm allergic". Poor guy. We had just told him to be careful. The worst experience we had was when we went to play kickball with our Stake and the field was a huge field of dead grass. We came home and he was up most the night unable to breath, was weezing, had the puffy eyes and was just so sick! Couldn't even go to church the next day. Him and daddy both were home trying to get better. These puffy eyes are after going horse back riding for a few hours. We always have the whole family strip down, and shower ASAP when we get home from anywhere we think might be problem. Brent is so great to have around as he knows right away if we do need to take those steps once we get home. :). He knows just what to do and is great at empathizing with him.

We had an incident a few weeks ago. I dropped Porter off to a babysitter and as I was on my way to my meeting and my babysitter called me very frantic telling me how she could not find Porter anywhere. She said he had tried once before to escape through the gate but she caught him.Brent was out of town for work and happened to call just after I got word. He was ready to jump on a plane to come home to find his little boy. I immediately turned around to help look for him. I called some of my friends in the neighborhood and they started looking as well. Of course it felt much longer but I think it was only 15-20 minutes. My sitter was walking around the park near her house with 3 kids when I arrived and I went into her home and started calling for him, hoping he was just hiding and not responding. When we walked out front a couple of the neighbors she had told that he was missing was there and said they found him. What a relief. That was truly the worst 15 mins of my life! I am so thankful, however, for friends and other parents who are understanding and that single mother who saw a little boy alone in the park and kept him there asking where his mommy was and where he lived. Porter just told her that his mommy was at a meeting and our truck was red. We are ever grateful for those people who were the Lords hands in keeping our little angel safe.

Because there was enough trauma for one night I brought him to my meeting and had him write an apology letter to her. (This is his first letter and it turned out so good)

FHE lesson he planned and taught us. What a big boy!
It is so fun to watch Porter on a bike! He's loved them and was such a quick learner! As you can see his little brother is following after his tire prints. Is there anything better in this world than seeing your children playing together and enjoying the same things


Joyzelle said...

Scary moment...
Glad it turned out OK

The Scotts said...

So scary! I'm so glad you found him! That is the scariest thing for a mother! Something similar happened to me a little before Jalynn turned 2, it was such an awful experience I hardly told anyone about it because I didn't want to have to think about it! Sorry to hear about the allergies, I know how you feel there not fun!